Privacy Policy

At Admira, we respect and value the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it.

We collect different types of information from our users. Personal information, such as your name and email address, is collected when you voluntarily provide it to us. We also collect technical information, such as your IP address, browser type, and device information, when you use our app. Additionally, we collect usage information, such as how you interact with our app, including pages visited and features used.

We collect this information for several reasons. Firstly, to provide you with a personalized experience while using our app. Secondly, to improve the functionality and performance of our app. Thirdly, to communicate with you about updates and new features. Lastly, to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

We use the information we collect for several purposes. Firstly, to provide you with the services and features offered through our app. Secondly, to improve the design and content of our app. Thirdly, to analyze usage trends and improve our app's performance. Lastly, to send you promotional materials and other communications about our app.

We do not share your information with third parties, except as necessary to provide you with our services, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.

We take reasonable steps to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. However, no security measure can be 100% effective, so we cannot guarantee the complete security of your information.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time.